FastCGI Process exceeded configuration request timeout – IIS


HTTP Error 500.0 Internal Server Error. C:\xxxx\php\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout

Detailed Error information includes Error code as “0x800070102” and Module as “FastCgiModule” .


This issue mainly occurs because the script execution timeout has exceeded the configured timeout in the IIS Server. Follow the below steps to fix it

Step 1: Go to IIS Manager 7 or above

Step 2: Go to FastCGI

Step 3: Click on the FastCGI for which you need to edit the Settings

Step 4: Change the Activity or Idle Timeout to 3600 under Process Model

Step 5: Now save the settings & restart the IIS

Now you wont get the FastCGI Process timeout error again

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