How to recover Deleted Calendar items from Teams or Outlook

Sometimes we may delete or remove the Calendar items from Teams or even from the Outlook. In that case if you are wondering whether they can be retrieved, yes they can be retrieved and there are some easiest ways to recover the deleted calendar item and put it back on your calendar

Follow the below steps to retrieve the Calendar items

Step 1: Go to Outlook365 or Outlook app

Step 2: See the List of Deleted Items

Step 3: If you cant find the Calendar Item you are searching for it in the list of Deleted items then click on see more of the deleted items

Step 4: If you are able to see the Calendar item you have deleted then right click on the item and then click on “Move to Folder” & then move to “Inbox”

Step 5: And after opening the Calendar you might see something as “Copy to My Calendar as show”, Click on it

Step 6: The item will be copied to your Calendar and you will be able to see the Calendar item back on your Calendar

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