Ivanti Pulse Secure Products | Log4j Vulnerability impact

Pulse Secure flagship products like Pulse Connect Secure are not affected this Log4j impact and the users can continue to use it without any disruption. Pulse secure team has come out with detailed analysis on each products and have determined that this vulnerability doesn’t affect any of their products. Products not affected are mentioned below in the table

Pulse Secure Virtual Traffic ManagerNot Affected
Pulse Secure Services DirectorNot Affected
Pulse Secure Web Application FirewallNot Affected
Pulse Connect SecureNot Affected
Ivanti Connect Secure (ICS)Not Affected
Pulse Policy SecureNot Affected
Pulse Desktop ClientNot Affected
Pulse Mobile ClientNot Affected
Pulse OneNot Affected
Pulse ZTANot Affected
Ivanti Neurons for ZTANot Affected
Ivanti Neurons for secure AccessNot Affected

Pulse Secure KB on the same – https://kb.pulsesecure.net/articles/Pulse_Secure_Article/KB44933/?kA13Z000000L3dR

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